About Janes Home Foundation
Jane's Home was founded in 2013 when Maria Rybak, who was terminally-ill with lymphoma, wanted to get her developmentally disabled daughter Jane out of the nursing home she was in. Maria, who knew her time on earth was limited, set this goal for achievement: that, prior to her death, a home be purchased in Waterbury, Connecticut, and converted to a place where Jane, and other women like Jane, could reside with loving, personalized care, so that they could live as independently as possible in a happy, positive, supportive environment, with specialized, comforting care, and individualized attention.
Jane's Home was purchased on September 13, 2013. Maria Rybak passed away on October 25, 2013. The first resident of Jane's Home moved in on November 1, 2013. One week after her death, Maria's "final mission" was accomplished!